Maternal and childhood mortality are two of the biggest health issues in Kenya. According to the United Nations, the risk of death for pregnant women is a bout one in 38, and nearly one out of every 100 children dies before the age of five, according to the Red Cross. The health infrastructure in rural Kenya is especially underfunded. With 1 doctor to 10,000 people, urgent medical help is needed to bring relief to those in severe poverty. We help in our partner communities by providing:

  • Mobile health clinics . Our aim is to utilise  “Clinic In a Can”. It is a medical facility retro fitted into shipping containers that runs off Solar Energy.  It is perfect for rural areas and can be moved  by truck to meet urgent medical needs of those suffering.
  • Training programs that focus on the hygiene habits of a healthy home
  • Creating school health clubs
  • Building permanent Health Clinics for Communities in Need.
1 doctor
die from Malaria each year
0per day
dying due to poor sanitation
living in poverty

Annual Month of Giving

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