Project Description
Currently, the majority of families in Kiamichi, Kenya struggle to send their children to School. This is due to distance , lack of transport and the fact children are needed in the day to day activity of fetching water and other chores. The vast majority of the adults have also lacked any formal education. These 2 factors combined make it incredibly difficult for families to break the poverty cycle.
Our plan is to purchase 2 acres of local land in the heart of the community and construct the Mission58 Hub. This HUB will be used
- Develop and Education Program for children.
- Plant small crops, a community vegetable gardens and livestock so it can be used to “Teach” and “Feed” the very vulnerable in the community.
- As an outlet for “seed programs” to help boost Agriculture in the community.
- Establish a curriculum in line with Kenya’s education requirements for o to 18 year olds.
- Develop a vocational training program for adults in the community (e.g. cropping, farming, sanitisation, etc.)
- As an outlet to process “Micro Enterprise” interest free loans to help create self sufficiency and a thriving local economy.